Halton Vita OR Space delivered to University Hospital Brussels

UZ Brussel chose Halton Vita OR Space solution to its brand new hybrid operating room and four cath labs.

UZ Brussel is a university hospital which is an integral part of Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The hospital offers complete medical care, consisting of various specialties. This is inextricably linked to its educational function specific to a university hospital. UZ Brussel is located on the Jette campus near the Laarbeekbos in the green outskirts of Brussels. This localization ensures fruitful interaction between the hospital and the faculty.

UZ Brussel started to renovate and expand the hospital after forty years of working to meet the needs of the patients and care providers in changing world. The hospital wanted to include the new technologies in the renovated and new spaces and a new hybrid operating room was among them.

After visiting Halton factory, testing the solutions with variable airflow, UZ Brussel chose Halton Vita OR Space ventilation solution. This innovative solution  provides high cleanliness level in a whole operating space, thermal comfort for medical staff, optimal sound level, safety and flexibility, what is especially important in hybrid ORs.


Hybrid operating rooms are usually equipped with advanced medical imaging devices. This enables to carry out minimally invasive procedures and speed up diagnostics, resulting in a safer operation in shorter time. The challenge in these kind of rooms is to fit the equipment into design of the room while keeping the required level of cleanliness.

Halton Vita OR Space solution keeps the required ISO class level in the whole operating room. With this solution there is also free space on the ceiling that enables to put there any device you need.

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